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文學與創作Literature and Creative Writing美學與鑑賞Aesthetics and Appreciation

藝術欣賞Art Appreciation世界音樂World Music、東方哲學與生活智慧Eastern Philosophy and Life Wisdom

應用國文Applied Chinese世界文化史History of World Cultures

人文經典之現代詮釋Modern Interpretations on Classics of the Humanities

族群與多元文化Ethnicity and Multicultural台灣族群與文化The Ethnicity and Culture in Taiwan

台灣通史History of Taiwan東南亞社會與文化Society and Culture of South East Asia

文學與電影Literature and Film詩詞賞析Appreciation of Poetry and Cih

小說選讀Selected Readings of Short Story文學與人生Literature and Life

性別與文學Gender and Literature英語短篇小說選讀Selected Readings in English Short Fiction

英語青少年文學Adolescent Literature in English視覺文化導論Introduction to Visual Culture

表演藝術Performing Arts音樂欣賞 Introduction to Music Appreciation

歌劇欣賞Introduction to Western Opera音樂與媒體Music and Media

古典音樂賞析Classical Music Appreciation 陶藝欣賞Ceramics Appreciation

文學欣賞Literature Appreciation國際禮儀International Etiquette、人生哲學Philosophy of Life

語文創意表達Creative Language and Communication史學通論Introduction to History

地理學通論Introduction to Geography西洋通史History of Western Civilization

中國文化史History of Chinese Culture歷史人物分析Historical Character Analysis

探索中國景觀China Landscape世界環境與人文地理World Environment and Human Geography

台灣環境與生活方式Environment and Life Style in Taiwan台灣與海洋Oceanic Taiwan

台灣電影Taiwan Cinema閩南文化通論Introduction to Southern Min Culture

中國文字與文化Chinese Characters and Culture美國文化探索American Culture Study

日本文化探索The Guide of the Japanese Culture台灣文化概論Introduction to Taiwan Culture

屏東學Pingtung Studies書篆美學Aesthetics of Calligraphy and Seal Carving、創意思考Creative Thinking

速寫與人生Sketch and Life、哲學與當代議題Philosophy and Contemporary Issues、生命教育Life Education

儒家思想與現代生活Confucianism and Modern Life、電影與人生Films and Human Life、法律與生活Law and Life

法學通論Introduction to Law、智慧財產權Intellectual Property Right Law
